Obama: A Typical Black Person?
His arrogance is beyond understanding as he preaches what he does not practice. Barack Obama has had twenty years to bring his friend, mentor and pastor to a place of hope and change but has failed completely. Jeremiah Wright continues to preach hate and Senator Obama continues to take it, explain it and worst of all, share it with his children.That Senator and Mrs. Obama cannot appreciate this land we share is apparent. She, with an upbringing within the top 1% of people in this country and far above even the most elite in a majority of earth's lands. He, among the most powerful 200 in the government that rules 300 million. Both play the victims' violin first for themselves.
Pushing beyond the pale, Senator Obama disparages his own grandmother, the person who traded her life for his on no more than his request. Young Barack wanted to live apart from his mother, from her life in Indonesia. He asked his grandmother and grandfather to raise him. They agreed and with their agreement gave up any thought of a life for themselves, without the encumbrance of little Barry interfering every hour of every day.
Her reward? To be conjoined with the man Obama could not resist, he offered her up as a sacrificial lamb to beat back the truth that Wright is a racist and that Obama may well be, too.
I owe my grandmothers no more than the respect they earned for raising their children, my parents. Even that seemingly minor and completely natural indirect contribution to my life, however, earns for them a complete dispensation from a publicly-shared ill comment. The same for parents, siblings and friends out nearly to the edge of my known universe.
He or she's just a typical (white person, black person, Catholic, Jew, American, Irisher, Hispanic, Vietnamese, soldier, pilot, shooter, business leader)?No, never, for two reasons. First and easiest, I really don't know any "typical" people that break along those lines. Certainly none of my relatives qualify!
Second, the description is terribly prejudicial. It positively reeks of stereotype.
The dishonor that Obama has now twice showered on the woman who volunteered to raise him to be a man points to the possibility that her lessons were not entirely effective.
His inability to practice under pressure what he so effectively preaches points to a piece of character that is not within him.
His failure to convince even those closest to him, his wife and his mentor, of his message leads one to question either his own belief or his effectiveness.
Is Obama a typical Black person? I don't know. I don't have a frame of reference for "typical" that breaks down by race.
The real question is, does he?
At least with Hillary, you know what you're getting. With Barack, appearances may deceive, sadly.
In most elections, Obama would be gone right now. Better candidates that didn't make his mistakes have already left. The media is really avoiding their candidate. The passport breach at first only mentioned Obama and was quickly treated as an affront. Then it turned out the story was about all the candidates. When you search for the passport story and the typical white person story you get about the same number of general Google hits. When you refine those searches to News only you get 5 times more passport stories than typical white person stories? Why? The passport affront story can be a benefit to Obama so the media plays it up...the typical white person story will hurt or end his campaign so the media buries it. Bias? The fix is in? Fair reporting? We should all worry about the double standards out there....
Yes, a much better example of Christian chairy are rightwingers like McVeigh who take their Christianity so seriously they are willing to commit the second biggest terrorist attack on America ever!
When McVeigh was blowing up a day care center in a federal building full of children - black and white, he had a t-shirt on with a picture of Lincoln on the front, and the motto "sic semper tyrannus" on the back: what Booth shouted after assassinating Lincoln for allowing black slaves to be free!
And good rightwing Christians like Rudolph, helped by his fellow Christians to stay out of prison for murder for months!
THESE are the rightwing Christian white people that we must admire for their efforts to make sure that blacks and "libruls" know how evil we are!
REagan supported Apartheid to show American blacks how they might be treated if they get uppity and say terrible things like "typical white person". The typical white person didn't seem to mind that Reagan supported the vicious fascist Apartheid Regime! What's the big deal?
EVen though, yes, we do hear that phrase "typical white person" and "typical black person" constantly from pollers!
And us white people say "They all look alike to me!" We get a special dispensation!
By the way ,when is McCain's pastors Hagee and Parsley going to get their equal time on Fox?
IS the Pope the antichrist? Did New Orleans deserve Katrina? Typical people want to know!
I owe my grandmothers no more than the respect they earned for raising their children, my parents. Even that seemingly minor and completely natural indirect contribution to my life, however, earns for them a complete dispensation from a publicly-shared ill comment. The same for parents, siblings and friends out nearly to the edge of my known universe.
You can't get rid of racism by not talking about it. That's what us typical whites want to do. Close our ears and think of whiteness!
Obama's point ,which you seem to be totally and deliberately be blind to is that even when our loved ones say things that hurt us, we must not throw them away: we must accept them as they are.
That's what real love is about.
Something you don't seem to grasp.
That's very sad. No wonder America is in such dire straits after years of hatred and finger pointing by the Republican party.
Thank goodnessthat soon Bush and Cheney and his 28% of Americans who support him will be on the outside looking in.
All of your rightwingers who keep talking about evil Muslims - what do you think you are doing if not grouping a billion people into one large group and saying they are all the same?
I'm pretty certain that neither of my grandmothers nor the woman that raised me is "a typical white person." But, then I've never actually met one. Or a typical black, Jew, Catholic or Irisher.
I've never described a person of another race or creed as typical, as I just don't think those two items are enough to define "typicality," admittedly a new word. Senator Obama, on the other hand, has met at least one and is willing to out her.
Not the most gracious move.
You describe yourself as a typical white person.
I certainly hope not.
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