Soon to be: His Eminence, Bishop Peter F. Christensen (Update and Bump)
Pope Benedict XVI has just nominated a new American bishop, one of five from around the world. He is Reverend Peter F. Christensen, presently Pastor at Nativity of Our Lord parish in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Fr. Christensen was born in 1952, fourth in what became a family of eight children. He graduated from St. Thomas University in Saint Paul, MN and became a commercial artist. He attended the Saint Paul Seminary and was ordained a priest in 1985. In 1992 he became Rector at Saint John Vianney Seminary, on the campus of St. Thomas University, where he built enrollment from less than 30 to more than 100, making it the largest college seminary in the United States.
The new Bishop's first assignment will be to guide the Diocese of Superior, Wisconsin, and its 82,000 Catholics.
Peter Christensen is a builder of churches and of men.
Way to go, Pete!
RELATED LINK: His Imminent Excellency, Bishop Peter F. Christensen
UPDATE: The Pioneer Press adds a well-written article
UPDATE II: For those who prefer original sourcing, here is the announcement from the Vatican:
Il Santo Padre Benedetto XVI ha accettato la rinuncia al governo pastorale della diocesi di Superior (U.S.A.), presentata da S.E. Mons. Raphael M. Fliss, in conformità al can. 401 § 1 del Codice di Diritto Canonico.H/T to Amy Wellborn at Open Book
Il Papa ha nominato Vescovo di Superior (U.S.A.) il Sacerdote Peter F. Christensen, del clero dell’arcidiocesi di Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Parroco della Parrocchia "The Nativity of Our Lord" in Saint Paul.
UPDATE III: American Papist calls it, "Superior Gets an Upgrade: Peter Christensen"
UPDATE IV: The Superior Catholic Herald has a first interview with the nominee. Amongst several interesting points, the reporter captured this
Leaving the press conference and serious issues aside, the personable Christensen socialized with Fliss and the chancery staff at a reception. Fresh from an Alaskan vacation -- a cruise up the coast from Vancouver, B.C. to Anchorage, he had driven to Superior for the day with his elder sister, Joan Johnson, a resident of Excelsior, Minn.Natives of Pasadena, California, the large Christensen family -- the bishop-elect was one of eight children -- moved to Minnesota in 1975. When he mentioned growing up with six sisters, he and Johnson joked with each other during the informal gathering.
Johnson said, "We (sisters) drove him to the priesthood." To much laughter, her brother responded, "Yes, I knew what I was giving up."
UPDATE V: The Catholics in the area are having a field day with the announcement, including a well-written and lengthy tribute from a friend at Abbey Roads 2
Another very well-written and researched article about Bishop Christensen's departure from his parish of recent years is at The Catholic Spirit
Thanks for the tip on the Superior Catholic Herald interview, Bob.
Ray from MN
Stella Borealis
Many thanks for linking to me - I think the Bishop-elect is definitely an eminent man, but the address for a Bishop is actually Excellency - yet maybe Eminence is in his future. He is a wonderful priest, nonetheless!
Googled Bishop Christensen and came upon this blog. You do realize that "His Eminence" is for Cardinals and "His Excellency" is the proper title of respect for a bishop?
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