Saturday, November 06, 2010

What the Emperor Doesn't Know

Most of us remember well Hans Christian Andersen's delightful tale of the emperor who searched far and wide for the very finest clothes, suits of golden fabric and silver threads, clothes so perfect, so exquisite that they can be seen and appreciated only by those fit for the positions they hold. Only those operating above their skills and the hopelessly stupid fail to see the stunning colors, the shimmering waves of color, the lustrous styling.

Just as in Lake Woebegone, where all the children are above average, so to are the Emperor's courtiers, his staff, the academics and elite of the day truly extraordinary. Each of them sees the beauty of the cloth, the perfection of the fit, the beauty of the artistry adorning their emperor. The appreciation spreads, almost virally, driven by the repetition and strength of the adoring comments. It becomes a universal enthusiasm of early 19th century Copenhagen society.

The emperor, being an incredibly intelligent man and certain of his own abilities as the leader of his people, is wildly enthusiastic about the weavers' magic and awestruck by the look created by the fabric hanging on his magnificent body. Fevered with pride, he creates an opportunity to parade his sartorial and intellectual brilliance for the appreciation of all his citizens.

President Obama, 2010
In Anderson's tale, a young boy breaks the spell of the crowd massed for the emperor's parade, "But he has nothing on at all! The emperor has no clothes." Soon, the cry is taken up by all the others who, reassured that their neighbors, not all of whom could be incompetent or hopelessly stupid, could obviously see what they themselves could finally admit. Their own eyes weren't lying; the emperor was completely nude. The emperor, caught between embarrassments, recognized that he was in fact, stark naked for all to see. To save face before his subjects, he chose to carry on without hesitation, acting as though nothing at all was wrong.

President Obama stands before the American people today, wearing nothing more than a teleprompter script.

The question is, does he recognize his own nakedness? Is he attempting to carry on to save face? Or is he completely mesmerized by his own golden words and silver phrases, sadly unable to see that he stands before us uncovered by anything of substance even as the crowd begins to recognize that he has no clothes?

Our President has nothing on at all.

Obama to Apologize to Indians!

We've seen an advance copy of the president's script for his historic speech to India's parliament. According to the speech, President Obama will convey a moving and heartfelt apology to the Indian people.

Next month we will observe the 120th anniversary of  the massacre at Wounded Knee. 
For far too many years, American historians called it a "battle," but it wasn't. 
I acknowledge that. 
I apologize to each of you, those assembled here and the millions more watching and listening, for the harm the American Army, the infamous and disgraced 7th Cavalry, caused that ugly day.
I want to assure you that the people of America have learned from their horrible mistake. 
I wasn't there, of course. 
If I had been, the tragedy would not have happened. 
Today, under my leadership the government would never do such a thing. 
We've designated the bloody ground at Wounded Knee a National Historic Landmark to honor the bravery, the heroism of the Indians who were killed and I invite each of you to return to the land you left behind, to visit there.
I am announcing today that I am rescinding the 20 Medals of Honor awarded members of the 7th Cavalry for their actions in 1890 at Wounded Knee.
Please forgive us.

Next up, presidential apologies in Korea for starting the war and in Japan for ending the war.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Your Good Morning! map

The 2010 House of Representatives.

Not a bad start!

Monday, November 01, 2010

Your Lying Eyes

So, which do you believe, the natonal media or your own lying eyes?

Here's 24 minutes of Christine O'Donnell of Delaware. Yes, the one the media has described as "the witch" who knows nothing.

I think you'll find otherwise.

There's nothing wrong with sending ordinary people to Washington. After all, how well have the "extraordinary people" done?